Stravinsky Firebird suite 1919

The "Firebird Suite 1919" is a captivating orchestral composition by the renowned Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. Inspired by the ancient Russian folklore of the Firebird, this exhilarating piece takes listeners on a journey through a mythical realm filled with vivid imagery and dynamic emotions. Opening with a mysterious and enchanting melody, the suite gradually builds in intensity, creating an atmosphere of anticipation. The orchestra's vibrant and colorful instrumentation showcases Stravinsky's mastery of orchestral sonorities. The iconic main theme of the Firebird, with its shimmering strings and radiant brass, is instantly recognizable and adds to the piece's mythical allure. As the suite progresses, Stravinsky's compositional genius shines through his use of contrasting moods and textures. From delicate and ethereal passages to powerful and rhythmic sections, the music alternates between moments of tranquility and explosive energy, captivating the listener. The Firebird Suite 1919 is a testament to Stravinsky's innovative approach to orchestration and his ability to combine elements of Russian folk music with modernist techniques. Its unique blend of evocative melodies, captivating rhythms, and rich harmonies makes it a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences around the world.
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  • Movement / Sections:13 movements
  • l.Introduction

    ll.Le Jardin enchanté de Kachtcheï (The Enchanted Garden of Koschei)

    lll.Apparition de l'Oiseau de feu, poursuivi par Ivan Tsarévitch (Appearance of the Firebird, Pursued by Prince Ivan)

    IV.Danse de l'Oiseau de feu (Dance of the Firebird)

    V.Capture de l'Oiseau de feu par Ivan Tsarévitch (Capture of the Firebird by Prince Ivan)

    Vl.Supplications de l'Oiseau de feu (Supplication of the Firebird) – Apparition des treize princesses enchantées (Appearance of the Thirteen Enchanted Princesses)

    Vll.Jeu des princesses avec les pommes d'or (The Princesses' Game with the Golden Apples). Scherzo

    Vlll.Brusque apparition d'Ivan Tsarévitch (Sudden Appearance of Prince Ivan)

    IX.Khorovode (Ronde) des princesses (Khorovod (Round Dance) of the Princesses)

    X.Lever du jour (Daybreak) – Ivan Tsarévitch pénètre dans le palais de Kachtcheï (Prince Ivan Penetrates Koschei's Palace)

    Xl.Carillon Féerique, apparition des monstres-gardiens de Kachtcheï et capture d'Ivan Tsarévitch (Magic Carillon, Appearance of Koschei's Monster Guardians, and Capture of Prince Ivan) Arrivée de Kachtcheï l'Immortel (Arrival of Koschei the Immortal) – Dialogue de Kachtcheï avec Ivan Tsarévitch (Dialogue of Koschei and Prince Ivan) – Intercession des princesses (Intercession of the Princesses) – Apparition de l'Oiseau de feu (Appearance of the Firebird)

    Xll.Danse de la suite de Kachtcheï, enchantée par l'Oiseau de feu (Dance of Koschei' Retinue, Enchanted by the Firebird)

    Xlll.Danse infernale de tous les sujets de Kachtcheï (Infernal Dance of All Koschei's Subjects) – Berceuse (L'Oiseau de feu) (Lullaby) – Réveil de Kachtcheï (Koschei's Awakening) – Mort de Kachtcheï (Koschei's Death) – Profondes ténèbres (Profound Darkness)

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