Isaac Albeniz died in 1909 without finishing Navarra, a piece of great scope, and considered by musicologists as a sister of the Iberia pieces. In fact, Albeniz had considered Navarra as an ending to the Iberia suite at first, but apparently he wasn't fond of how the music developed. Navarra -albeit in an artistical way- recreates a jota, a popular Spanish dance, and that seemed to Albeniz quite removed of the style of Iberia, though critics have systematically disagreed with this view. Only 228 measures of Navarra were written by Albeniz: his friend and disciple Déodat de Sévérac picked up the work after his death, finishing it in a sober way. Catala composer Jaime Pahissa also wrote a conclusion for Navarra, though the de Severac version is the most played. Albeniz planned on dedicating the work to renowed French pianist Marguerite Long.