Bach Chorale Prelude 'Helft mir Gottes Gute preisen', BWV 613

Helft mir Gottes Gute preisen, BWV 613, is a piece of the Orgelbüchlein (Little Organ Book) by Johann Sebastian bach, a collection of 46 preludes for organ almost exclusively written during the 1708-1717 period, while Bach was court organist in Weimar. The collection is defined by Bach himself in the title page as '[a book] in which a beginning organist receives given instruction as to performing a chorale in a multitude of ways while achieving mastery in the study of the pedal, since in the chorales contained herein the pedal is treated entirely obbligato'. The source of the melody Bach used as a basis for this particular choral prelude is either uncertain or unknown. There is a good likelihood that it was written by either Wolfgang Figulus or Cornelius Freundt, both composers that predate Bach.
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