Hugh Blair Sheet Music

  • Born: 25th May 1862
  • Died: 22nd July 1932
  • Birthplace: Worcester, Worcestershire county, England

Hugh Blair (1864–1932) was an English musician, composer and organist. He was Organist of Worcester Cathedral from 1895 to 1897, having been Acting Organist before that time. Edward Elgar dedicated his cantata The Black Knight to Blair, who was conductor of the Worcester Festival Choral Society, which gave the first performance on 18 April 1893, at a time when Elgar was little known outside Worcestershire. Blair also asked Elgar to write an organ voluntary for the visit of some American organists to Worcester, and received Elgar's first Organ Sonata as a result (with the opening theme being reminiscent of a theme from The Black Knight).

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