Aleksandr Borkhman Partitura

  • Nascermos: 9th Abril 1872
  • Morreu: 13th Novembro 1940
  • Berço: Moscou, Rússia

Alexander Adol'fovich was a Soviet composer. Doctor by profession. In 1905-07 studied composition with Gliere and Grechaninov. Author symphony. poems "Kusuma" (by R. Tagore, App. 1926), orchestral variations on the Belarusian. topic (1909), chamber-instr. ensembles (in Vol. h. sonatas for violin and piano., ed. 1928), plays for FC., wok. cycles on the next page. JK Baltrushaitis, Heine, R. Tagore, Blok, wok. suite on texts by R. Tagore (Spanish. 1923) and others.

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