Jun Luke Foster is a young American musician and pianist. He believes music is a gift for all of us to share -- a gift that can give expression to our joy, bring comfort in times of pain, and pull the heart toward worlds of new possibility. In the hope that studying many areas of life would enrich what he could convey to listeners through music, he declined offers of undergraduate admission from music conservatories and chose to pursue a broader college education. He graduated from Yale University in 2014, summa cum laude, with a degree in Ethics, Politics and Economics. Critics have praised his "enchanting playing that pulled me in from the very beginning" (East Hampton Star, July 30, 2013), and a "firm yet delicate touch and flying fingers [that] rendered the whole listening pleasure one of ease and confidence in his mastery of the piece" (Times Herald-Record, August 3, 2010). Recent prizes include First Prize in the Princeton Festival Piano Competition (2012), First Prize in the Yale University Friends of Music Recital Competition (2011), and Grand Prize in the New York Grand Prix International Piano Competition, Junior Division (2008). As First Prize Winner of the 2010 Jacob Flier International Piano Competition, he performed Beethoven's 5th Concerto with Vladimir Feltsman and the Hudson Valley Philharmonic. He has also appeared as a soloist with the Yonkers Philharmonic Orchestra and the Long Island Philharmonic, and has performed at Carnegie's Weill Recital Hall and Zankel Hall, and Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall. He was awarded the 2014 Louis Sudler Prize for excellence in the performing arts by Yale University, along with the David C. DeForest & Townsend Premiums Prize for public speaking. In September 2014, he enrolled in the Master of Music program at The Juilliard School, where he studies with Hung Kuan Chen.