Cornelis Verdonck Sheet Music

  • Born: 1563
  • Died: 5th July 1625
  • Birthplace: Belgium

Cornelis Verdonck was a Flemish composer of the late Renaissance. He was one of the last members of the Franco-Flemish schoolof polyphony, and was a notable composer of madrigals in a style that blended both Italian and native Netherlandish idioms. Verdonck was born in Turnhout. From his earliest years, he was in the household of Cornelis Pruenen, senator and treasurer of Antwerp; in addition he was a choirboy at Antwerp Cathedral until about the age of 9. In 1572 he went to Spain to be part of the choir of Philip II in Madrid, where he stayed until his voice broke in early 1580, at which time he returned to the Netherlands to study in Antwerp with Séverin Cornet, and possibly with Hubert Waelrant as well. His earliest works, published along with those of Cornet, date from this period.

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