查爾斯·漢肖·達納 樂譜

  • 出生日期: 7th 二月 1846
  • 卒於: 5th 二月 1883
  • 出生地: 馬薩諸塞州西牛頓

Charles Henshaw Dana was an American composer Son of Charles Fuller and Eliza Henshaw (Bates) Smith, and grandson of the Hon. Isaac Chapman Bates, lawyer, representative in congress and U.S. senator. His name was Charles Henshaw Smith until the marriage of his mother in 1860 to John A. Dana, when he adopted legally the name of his stepfather. He was educated in Northampton, Mass., whither he had been taken in 1847, until 1860, when he removed to Worcester, Mass. He studied under Otto Dresel in Boston until 1869 when he went to Leipzig, and placed himself under the tuition of Papperitz. Later he studied four years in St?ttgart, under Lepert, Speidl and Kr?ger. Mr. Dana made his first public appearance with Kr?ger, playing with success before an audience comprising the entire royal family. He was soon after given charge of the organ at St. Catherine's, St?ttgart, and there produced his first anthem, "By the Rivers of Babylon." His musical studies were completed in Paris under Delaborde, and he returned to America in 1875, where he made his d?but at the annual session of the Worcester county musical association, playing Mendelssohn's concerto in G minor with orchestral accompaniment, and winning enthusiastic applause. He became organist and later director of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Boston, Mass.


