
贾斯汀·克莱里斯 活页乐谱

  • 出生日期: 16th 十月 1863
  • 卒于: 9th 九月 1908
  • 出生地: 阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯

Justin Clérice was a prolific composer who became famous in all kinds of light music: songs and melodies, music and dance show, stage music and ballet, magazines and operettas. Although born October 16, 1863 in Buenos Aires, Justin Clérice was French. His father Victor Norman origin, had settled with his wife in the Argentine capital, where he worked as a coachbuilder. The death of his father (1881) led the Clérice family to return to France. Without ever knowing real success, he was almost constantly on display, and that even at a time when the traditional operetta was outdated.