Чче-Ханг Зе Музика

Chee-Hang See graduated summa cum laude from the College of Charleston, where he was a Presidential Scholarship student of Enrique Graf. Thanks to a College of Charleston Research Grant (SURF) in 2010, Chee-Hang formed the Tan and See Piano Duo together with his colleague Amy Tan. They have been described as “emanating a sense of pure fun that is always infectious to audiences” (CharlestonToday.net).  They have been finalists of the International Web Concert Hall Competition and have performed in Italy, Singapore, Hawaii, Chicago and all over the Lowcountry. They have been soloists with the College of Charleston Chamber Orchestra, and were broadcast on South Carolina Public Radio.   Chee-Hang came to Charleston in 2008, and in 2009 was awarded third place in the LaGrange Symphony Orchestra Young Artist Competition in LaGrange, GA, and took second prize in the Dr. Sharyn Edwards Piano Festival and Competition in Whiteville, NC. He was awarded the Edwin Davis Peacock Award for Excellence in Piano by the College of Charleston and achieved honorable mention in the South Carolina Music Teachers Association Competitions in 2009 and 2010. His performances in Charleston have been reviewed very positively by the Charleston City Paper, CharlestonToday.net and the College's George Street Observer. Chee-Hang has attended masterclasses with such world-renowned pianists Ilana Vered, Michael Lewis and Beatrice Long.    He was soloist with the Bela Bartok Orchestra in Perugia, Italy. His performances in Charleston have received rave reviews by the Charleston City Paper,CharlestonToday.net and the College's George Street Observer. Chee-Hang has attended masterclasses with such world-renowned pianists Ilana Vered, Michael Lewin and Beatrice Long. Faculty and Marketing Director at the Charleston Academy of Music, Chee-Hang has also performed as a collaborative pianist with numerous soloists and vocalists, and played with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, Summerville Community Orchestra and Chamber Music Charleston. He has served as Staff Accompanist for the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra Youth Concerto Competition, Piccolo Spoleto Rising Stars, National Association of Teachers of Singing Competitions, and Youth Orchestra of the Lowcountry Concerto Competition.   Chee-Hang started studying piano at the age of four and has performed extensively as a soloist, accompanist orchestra and chamber pianist in his native Singapore. Under the tutelage of Dr. June Wong in Singapore, he has attained Piano Performance and Accompaniment Diplomas from the Royal Schools of Music and Trinity College London, UK, with high scores. He performs also on the erhu - the two-stringed Chinese counterpart of the violin.

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