Ігнац Брюль

Ігнац Брюль Ноти

  • Дата народження: 7th Листопад 1846
  • Дата смерті: 17th Вересень 1907
  • Місце народження: Prostějov (Proßnitz) в Моравії

Ignaz Brüll was a Moravian born pianist and composer who lived and worked in Vienna. His operatic compositions included Das Goldene Kreuz (The Golden Cross), which became a repertory work for several decades after its first production in 1875, but eventually fell into neglect after being banned by the Nazis because of Brüll's Jewish origins. He also wrote a small corpus of finely crafted works for the concert hall and recitals. Brüll's compositional style was lively but unabashedly conservative, in the vein of Mendelssohn and Schumann.

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