Pierre Phalèse Sheet Music

  • Born:c. 1510
  • Died: 1575
  • Birthplace: Leuven, Belgium

Pierre Phalèse the Elder (alias Petrus Phalesius) was an important Flemish music editor and engraver of the sixteenth century. Phalèse was born in Leuven about 1510 where he started as a bookseller in 1545, but soon set up a publishing house, and by 1575 had produced some 189 music books. Phalèse at first outsourced his books to various printers, but by 1553 was printing his own high-quality output from movable type. In 1570 he entered into partnership with Jean Bellère, a printer based in Antwerp, enabling him to reach a wider clientele.

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