Jørgen Ditleff Bondesen Sheet Music

  • Born: 7th April 1855
  • Died: 3rd May 1939
  • Birthplace: Denmark

Jørgen Ditleff Bondesen was a Danish composer and music theorist. He was a student at The Royal Danish Academy of Music 1873–1875 under E. Neupert, V. Tofte G. Matthison-Hansen, J.P.E. Hartmann and Niels W. Gade. From 1876–1886, he was assistant organist in Holmen Church. From 1883–1901 he worked as a teacher at the conservatory in piano and theory. Among his students were the pianists Johanne Stockmarr, Frederick Schnedler-Pedersen George Høeberg, organist Camillo Carlsen, and the composers Ludolf Nielsen and Siegfried Salomon.

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