Johann Alberti Sheet Music

  • Born: 11th January 1642
  • Died: 14th June 1710
  • Birthplace: Tönning, Schleswig, Germany

Johann Friedrich Alberti was a German composer and organist. He received his musical training in Leipzig from Werner Fabricius and in Dresden from Vincenzo Albrici. Then he worked as an organist in Merseburg cathedral until his departure in 1698 caused by the paralysis of his right hand because of a stroke. His pupil Georg Friedrich Kauffmann succeeded him as a princely Saxon townsman and cathedral organist at the court of the Saxon duke and Merseburg Cathedral. Alberti's works include chorale preludes, 35 choral arrangements, 12 ricercati (lost) and various sacred works. He died, aged 68, in Merseburg, Saxony-Anhalt.

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