Georg von Bertouch

Georg von Bertouch Sheet Music

  • Born: 19th June 1668
  • Died: 14th September 1743
  • Birthplace: Helmershausen, Germany

Georg von Bertouch was a German-born Baroque composer and military officer who dwelt during most of his adult life in Norway. At age fifteen he began studying violin and composition in Eisenach. According to a letter he sent to Johann Mattheson, his first teacher was Daniel Eberlin (1647–1715). From 1691 to 1693 Bertouch lived in Kiel. In 1693 he took his doctorate in law with a dissertation entitled De eo quod justum est circa ludos scenicos operasque modernas. He entered military service in July 1693 and was to remain an officer of the Dano-Norwegian army for the rest of his life.

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