Émile Forgues Sheet Music

  • Born: 26th September 1823
  • Died: 1876
  • Birthplace: Paris, France

Émile Forgues was a French pianist and composer. He received his musical education at the Paris Conservatory, where he was admitted in november 9th 1835. There he was pupil of Goblia in solfege, of Laurent and Zimmermann in piano and of Leborne in counterpoint and fugue. He obtained the second price of piano in 1839, and the first one in 1840. After graduating, he obtained success in his country and abroad as a piano virtuoso. He composed several pieces, such as Ballade, Serenade, Mouvement perpetuel, Tarantelle de concert, Souvenirs et Regrets, penseé élegiaque, among others.

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