Ludwig Hermann Otto Finzenhagen Sheet Music

  • Born: 23rd July 1860
  • Died: 11th April 1931
  • Birthplace: Magdeburg, Germany

Ludwig Hermann Otto Finzenhagen was a German organist, composer and music teacher. He received his first music lessons from his father, the Church organist Hermann F. Jacobi, and attended high school at the Monastery of Our Lady of Magdeburg. 1881-85 he studied at the Royal Academic Institute of Sacred Music in Berlin, and then at the local university he studied counterpoint and music history. After working for a short time as a piano teacher in Magdeburg, he became choirmaster at the cathedral in 1886-90 Marienwerder (Kwidzyn) / West Prussia. In 1891 he applied for the post of organist of the Walloon Reformed church in Magdeburg. He worked in this post for 40 years in great fidelity. He was also active as a composer and music teacher, as a concert organist in Göttingen and Braunschweig. He was "titular member" of the Académie des artistes musiciens de Province in Carcassonne (France). Finzenhagen apparently had a passion for French music of his time. His organ and Keyboard Works were published in France. However, he seems to have played a modest role in Magdeburg more. Since 1919, married the widow Margaret Agnes Hedwig Schröder.

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