José de Campderrós Sheet Music

  • Born: 1742
  • Died: 1812
  • Birthplace: Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

Josep de Campderrós Jose Pascual or Campderrós was a Spanish composer and organist who developed his artistic work in America. The first year he was devoted to trade, which took him to Lima, Peru, where, after entering the Orden de la Buena Muerte, he became choir director and choirmaster. After winning the contest, he got the choirmaster position in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago, Chile, between 1793 and about 1811. There still exist the original manuscripts of his 85 known works, composed of 22 pieces of profanity (carols and arias) 15 masses and other liturgical works and 48 (hymns, psalms, offices for the dead, etc.). The father of the Chilean musicology, Eugenio Pereira Salas, considered the greatest exponent of Baroque composition worked in that country.

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