Jan Nepomuk Augustin Vitásek

Jan Nepomuk Augustin Vitásek Sheet Music

  • Born: 20th February 1771
  • Died: 7th December 1839
  • Birthplace: Czech Republic

Jan Matyáš Nepomuk August Vitásek was a Bohemian composer. Vitásek was born at Hořín. He studied under his father and then under František Xaver Dušek and Leopold Kozeluch, the latter of whom he would succeed in the position of music director in 1814 at the Cathedral of St. Vitus in Prague. Vitásek remained in Prague for the rest of his life and became one of the city's leading musical figures, even refusing an offer of a directorship at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna. He became the director of the organ school for a Bohemian organization called the Society for the Promotion of Church Music in 1830. He died in Prague.

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