Heinrich Berté

Heinrich Berté Sheet Music

  • Born: 8th May 1858
  • Died: 23rd August 1924
  • Birthplace: Galgócz, Hungary (now Hlohovec, Slovakia)

Heinrich Berté, born Heinrich Bettelheim was an Austria-Hungarian composer of operas and operettas. Heinrich Berté, at the beginning of his career, was a relatively unsuccessful composer of ballets and an opera. In 1911 he was offered a libretto by the writer Alfred Maria Willner for an opera about Franz Schubert, based on the novel, Schwammerl by Rudolf Hans Bartsch, but this was turned down and he was told to use Schubert's music in a pastiche instead. On 15 January 1916 his first performed work, an arrangement of Franz Schubert's Das Dreimäderlhaus was premiered in the Raimund Theater in Vienna, Gretl Schörg's voice was discovered during the run.

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