Giovanni Luca Conforti Sheet Music

  • Born: 1560
  • Died: 11th May 1608
  • Birthplace: Mileto, Calabria

Giovanni Luca Conforti was an Italian composer and prominent falsetto singer who wrote an exercise book about Baroque embellishments, Breve et facile maniera d'essercitarsi ad ogni scolaro or Brief and easy manner of exercising for every student, still in use today. Conforti's Breve et facile maniera d'essercitarsi ad ogni scolaro is one of only a few books on vocal embellishment written at the end of the sixteenth century. It is also specifically addressed to instrumentalists ("quei che sonano di Viola, o di altri instromenti da fiato"), and thus forms part of the substantial 16th-century Italian literature of diminution and ornamentation which begins with the Fontegara of Silvestro Ganassi in 1535 and includes the treatises of Diego Ortiz, Giovanni Maffei, Girolamo Dalla Casa, Giovanni Bassano, Riccardo Rogniono, Giovanni Battista Bovicelli and Aurelio Virgiliano.

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