Carlo Caproli Sheet Music

  • Born:c. 1620
  • Died:c. 1675
  • Birthplace: Rome, Italy

Carlo Caproli was an Italian composer. Chiefly important for his cantatas, he held posts as violinist and maestro di cappella in Rome. In the service of Prince Ludovisio Pamphili he wrote a successful opera for the French court, Le nozze di Peleo e di Theti (1654; now lost). Caproli's many cantatas fall into two groups: ariette corte (in closed form, for solo or ensemble), and the more numerous aria di più parti (combinations of recitative, aria and arioso). The solo cantatas are notable for their lyricism; stylistic features include chromatic alteration, unity of key, juxtaposition of major and minor over a common root and free treatment of the recurring text line at the close of a section.

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