Alberto Franchetti

Alberto Franchetti Sheet Music

  • Born: 18th September 1860
  • Died: 4th August 1942
  • Birthplace: Turin, Italy

Alberto Franchetti was an Italian opera composer. He studied first in Venice, then in Dresden under Felix Draeseke, and finally at theMunich Conservatory under Josef Rheinberger. His first major success occurred in 1888 with his opera Asrael. His operatic style combined Wagnerianism and the traits of Meyerbeer with Italian verismo. During his life, critics sometimes referred to him as the "Meyerbeer of modern Italy." The words of music critic G. B. Nappi sum up Franchetti's primary talents: "His character is perhaps unsuitable for passionate dramas, but rather for those subjects, where the fantastic, romantic and epic are required in the symphonic texture and large choral pictures. In this regard Alberto Franchetti knows that he has no rival" (from "Orfeo" 6.3, 1915).

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