Alban Förster

Alban Förster Sheet Music

  • Born: 23rd October 1849
  • Died: 18th January 1916
  • Birthplace: Reichenbach im Vogtland, Germany

Alban Förster was a German composer. He was educated at the Conservatory of Dresden, later graduating as concert master in Carlsbad, Wroclaw and Stettin. In 1881 he moved to Dresden to become a teacher in the Conservatory, and to Neustrelitz 1882 to be director of the Chapel Royal. 1893 succeeded Klughardt in the direction of the Chapel Royal of Dessau. He composed three operas: Das Flüstern; Die Mädchen von Schild and S'Lorle, premiered respectively in 1875, 1887 and 1891, the first in Neustrelitz and the remaining two in Dresden.

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