The Nameday Overture, (sometimes called Feastday, original title Zur Namensfeier), is a symphonic piece finished by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1815, premiered that same year, and dedicated to Prince Antoni Radziwill, remembered for being an enthusiast of the arts. The title of the piece refers to the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, nameday of the Austrian Emperor Franz I: Beethoven raced to complete the overture for this day but was finally unable to do so, thus he waited until the following year to do so. The overture, in the key of C major, is usually listed as Op. 115, even though it is made up from ideas that he worked on from 1810 to 1814. Not many orchestras play the piece regularly today.
The Nameday Overture, (sometimes called Feastday, original title Zur Namensfeier), is a symphonic piece finished by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1815, premiered that same year, and dedicated to Prince Antoni Radziwill, remembered for being an enthusiast of the arts. The title of the piece refers to the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, nameday of the Austrian Emperor Franz I: Beethoven raced to complete the overture for this day but was finally unable to do so, thus he waited until the following year to do so. The overture, in the key of C major, is usually listed as Op. 115, even though it is made up from ideas that he worked on from 1810 to 1814. Not many orchestras play the piece regularly today.