The Partitas, BWV 825–830, are a set of harpsichord suites written by Johann Sebastian Bach, published from 1726 to 1730 as Clavier-Übung I, and the first of his works to be published under his direction. They were among the last of his keyboard suites to be composed, the others being the English Suites, BWV 806-811 and the French Suites, BWV 812-817. In keeping with a tradition that labelled Bach's first set English and the second French, the Partitas are sometimes referred to as the German Suites (a title meant for convenience only, as there is nothing particularly German about these pieces). Though published one by one, they were collected into a single volume which Bach chose to label his Op. 1. He originally intented to publish seven partitas (an intention further signaled by the spread of keys, which follows the structre Bb, Cm, Am, D, G, e, leaving F as the logical conclusion). The Italian concerto in F was published in the Clavier-Ubung II, having likely originated from this conception and later expanded into a Concerto form.