줄리 칸데유

줄리 칸데유 망할 음악

  • 출생: 31st 7월 1767
  • 사망: 4th 2월 1834
  • 출생지: 프랑스 파리 생쉴피스 교구

Amélie-Julie Candeille was a French composer, librettist, writer, singer, actress, comedienne, and instrumentalist. Contemporary discussions of her music highlight the supremacy of melody and use of simple harmonies used throughout her works. She composed in the style of Grétry, whom she greatly admired. Her works for keyboard, which she composed for her personal performances, are virtuosic – her surviving musical works include a concerto for keyboard, three keyboard sonatas (some with violin accompaniment), and a duo for piano. Many other works are lost, including additional keyboard sonatas, duos, fantasias and variations. Modern editions of the concerto for keyboard, three arias and the overture from Catherine are available through Hildegard Publishing.

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