안토니오 마리아 보논치니

안토니오 마리아 보논치니 망할 음악

  • 출생: 18th 6월 1677
  • 사망: 8th 7월 1726
  • 출생지: 모데나, 이탈리아

Antonio Maria Bononcini () was an Italian cellist and composer, the younger brother of the better-known Giovanni Bononcini. Bononcini was born and died at Modena in Italy. Like his brother, he studied with Giovanni Paolo Colonna. Between 1690 and 1693, he played in the orchestra of Cardinal Pamphili. In 1698 he composed an allegory, La fama eroica, for performance in Rome. He worked for some years with his brother, and joined him in the court orchestra at Vienna, where in 1705 he became Kapellmeister to the future Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI. In 1713 he returned to Italy, where he worked in Milan, Naples and Modena.

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