Beethoven Sestetto per fiati in mi bemolle maggiore op. 71

Though labeled Op. 71, this piece for two basoons, two clarinets and two horns was actually written in 1796 and then remained unperformed for over a decade. Beethoven told his publishers that he had written it in a single night -a most probably false claim: Beethoven had the tendency of refining his pieces over and over, sometimes for years, before publishing. The four movements fall into the usual classical patterns, but showcase the young Beethoven's sharper edge. No sketch of the work survives.
Annunci pubblicitari

Spartiti Musicali


Wind Sextet in E Flat, Op. 71 - I. Adagio - Allegro
Wind Sextet in E Flat, Op. 71 - II. Adagio
Wind Sextet in E Flat, Op. 71 - III. Menuetto - Quasi Allegretto
Wind Sextet in E Flat, Op. 71 - IV. Rondo - Allegro



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