Debussy Deux Arabesques (Deux arabesques), L. 66

The Two Arabesques (Deux arabesques), L. 66, are a pair of piano pieces by Debussy, two of his earliest works, composed between the years 1888-91, while in his twenties. They contain hints of Debussy's developing musical style, being one of the very early impressionistic pieces of music. . Two editions were issued in the composer's lifetime by Durand, published in 1891 and 1904. The first arabesque -in the key of E- begins with parallelism of triads in first inversion, a composition technique very much used by Debussy and other Impressionists, tracing back to the tradition of fauxbourdon. It leads into a larger section beginning with a left hand arpeggio in E major and a descending right hand E major pentatonic progression.


Arabesque No. 1. Andantino con moto
JouerMettre en pause
Arabesque No. 2. Allegretto scherzando
JouerMettre en pause
Arabesque No. 1. Andantino con moto
JouerMettre en pause
Arabesque No. 1. Andantino con moto
JouerMettre en pause
Arabesque no. 1 (string quartet arr.)
JouerMettre en pause
Arabesque no. 1 (bass guitar arr.)
JouerMettre en pause
Arabesque No. 1. Andantino con moto
JouerMettre en pause
Arabesque No. 1. Andantino con moto
JouerMettre en pause



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  • il y a 4 ans, 8 mois