Augustus Damon Fillmore

Augustus Damon Fillmore Sheet Music

  • Born: 7th September 1823
  • Died: 5th June 1870
  • Birthplace: Gallipolis, Ohio, USA

Augustus Damon Fillmore was an American composer. Fillmore began to manifest musical talent at a very early period. When only two or three years old, and before he could sing any words, he would sit on his father's knee and sing the soprano of several simple tunes while his father sang bass. When sixteen he began to teach music; two or three years later he began to compose music. The "Song of Steam" and "Song of the Lightning" were great favorites. The "Old Brown Homestead" and "The Wandering Boy" demonstrate the scope of his genius and ability. The first two mentioned were sung with fervor and approbation by James Challen and Silas W. Leonard. These two men were musical preachers, and no doubt they turned his attention at an early day to sacred music.

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